Free for Haul Friday, Volume #516

Share your recent beauty purchases or rediscovered favorites in your stash (for those on low/no-buys!), chit chat about weekend plans, and learn a little more about each other!

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  • Haul/Rediscoveries: Giorgio Armani Redwood (missing shade) Lip Maestro, new Estee Lauder Pure Color Envy Lipsticks (not that I don’t have hundreds of lip colors I should be swatching + reviewing already), Laura Mercier Illuminator Trio, Too Faced Gingerbread Extra Spicy, Urban Decay Perversion Pencil (it was on sale)
  • Weekend plans: I was chatting with my mom earlier this week, and she mentioned that she didn’t know what to get me for my birthday, and she looked up ticket costs to fly out for the weekend but couldn’t bare to pay full price. Hearing about it just made me really, really miss my mom (this might be the longest stretch I’ve gone without seeing my parents). My husband secretly texted my mom and told her he’d pay for the tickets, but my mom being my mom didn’t want anyone spending that kind of money on tickets. SO now my parents are driving out–a 12-hour drive to and a 12-hour drive back!–to spend two days with me.
  • Share a fond childhood memory?: I have a poor memory, especially for things that happened to me in the past, but one of the few childhood memories I have is of going to a local dairy farm, seeing the cows and always getting bubblegum ice cream (and I’d spit out all of the bubblegum pieces). This was back in Massachusetts so I was under five at the time, and every time I’ve gone back to Massachusetts, we try to go (and it’s cool that it’s still there!) to the dairy farm.

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