Free for Haul Friday, Volume #525

Share your recent beauty purchases or rediscovered favorites in your stash (for those on low/no-buys!), chit chat about weekend plans, and learn a little more about each other!

Let's Chat!

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  • Haul/Rediscoveries: Clinique Even Better Pop Lip Colour Foundation x28, Fenty Beauty Trophy Wife Set
  • Weekend plans: I have a whole lotta editing to do today (about 900 photos to sift through, then edit), and then I’d like to plan out the next couple of weeks (sort of a “lull” in the season where there aren’t as many NEW releases!). Spend more time with Mellan, take more photos of him.

    Last Friday night, hubby discovered a new lump/bump on him, so I took him in on Monday to have it aspirated. The doctor (not our usual one, though) saw some abnormality on the slides and advised surgery to remove it, but I’m very, very hesitant to put him under given he’s almost 12 years old and has a compromised liver (so it’s harder on his system), so I had the slides sent to pathology, which determined that it was a lipoma (fat pocket) with no evidence of any malignant processes (so benign). We’ll keep an eye on it, as we do all his other fat pockets, though.

  • What kind of accessories do you enjoy wearing the most?: Earrings are really the only one I wear, so definitely those!

P.S. — Join us over in the official Temptalia chatroom on Discord! 🙂

This week's mellan photo/video...

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