Free for Haul Friday, Volume #529

Share your recent beauty purchases or rediscovered favorites in your stash (for those on low/no-buys!), chit chat about weekend plans, and learn a little more about each other!

Let's Chat!

Share your own answers in the comments!

  • Haul/Rediscoveries: Pat McGrath Galactic Gold, Bobbi Brown Crushed Oil-Infused Glosses, Fenty Eyeshadow Palettes
  • Weekend plans: Fingers crossed that the freeways/highways in central California open up (closed for snow on Thursday) so that my parents can safely drive from northern California to Arizona. It never feels like the holidays until they arrive because hubby and I don’t do much on Christmas ourselves. We spend Christmas Eve celebrating Mellan’s birthday (he turned 12!), but most of the time is spent working a bit more than usual in preparation for my parents’ visit! So… hopefully, my parents arriving safely and hanging out with them this weekend.
  • Do you have any non-beauty resolutions for 2020?: I don’t make resolutions, but I always try to eat better in the beginning of the year… after we make our way through whatever food my mom has cooked/brought to us, LOL!

P.S. — Join us over in the official Temptalia chatroom on Discord! 🙂

This week's mellan photo/video...

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